Thursday, December 10, 2009

the middle

(originally posted 9/9/09)

So I’ve been working on some paintings in the studio. And, after a few months, I’ve even finished a few and showed them at an art show. I’m not going to post any photos for them moment, not because I have any changes to make, or am shy about showing my work to anyone, but more because it will be interesting to talk about them first (at some point). I also don’t want my writing here to be a catalog of everything i’m doing in studio, and so become a chore for me and a bore to read, not to mention very Penn insofar as it can be seen as some kind of "deliverable" for otherwise unaccounted-for time. I’ve spent a bit of time in the studio so far, and nothing of value may come of it. This has grand potential.

But I’m at a stopping point of a kind I think. I’m not sure painting is a good idea anymore (there’s probably no membership fee for that club) and I’m starting to realize that asking “Is this art studio in working order” may really just be an oblique way of asking the same dated questions about purpose and identity, the answer to which we all know but forget sometimes is yes, you are an artist (If you say so.) which is true and empowering if not reassuring at all.

And art as always is a fountain, the function of infinite messes.

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